At the end of this practical, student will be able to determine the normal condition or abnormalities of the urinary system.
Macroscopic urinalysis:
Macroscopic urinalysis is the direct visual observation of the urine, noting its quantity, color, clarity or cloudiness, etc. Normal urine is typically light yellow and clears without any cloudiness. Normal volume of urine is 750 – 2000 ml/24 hours.
Chemical analysis (Dipstick):
Urine dipstick is a narrow plastic strip which has several squares of different colors attached to it. Each small square represents a component of the test used to interpret urinalysis. The entire strip is dipped in the urine sample and color changes in each square are noted. The color change takes place after several seconds to a few minutes from dipping the strip.
Microscopic analysis:
The microscopic urinalysis is the study of the urine under microscope. It requires only a relatively inexpensive light microscope. Cells and cellular debris, bacteria and crystals in the urine can be detected by this examination to provide further clinical clues. Examination is then performed through the microscope at high power to further identify any cells, bacteria and clumps of debris called casts.
A. Macroscopic urinalysis:
Characteristics | Person A | Person B |
Odor | Fruity / Sweet | Fruity / Sweet |
Color | Pale yellow | Yellow |
Turbidity | Clear | Clear |
B. Chemical analysis (dipstick):
Chemical | Patient A | Patient |
Urobilinogen | 16 mg/dL | 16 mg/dL |
Glucose | +++1000 mg/dL | +100 mg/dL |
Bilirubin | +9 mg/dL | +9 mg/dL |
Ketone | Negative | Negative |
Specific gravity | 1.020 | 1.020 |
Blood condition | Non-hemolyse | Non-hemolyse |
pH | 5 | 6 |
Protein | Negative | Negative |
Nitrate | Positive | Positive |
Leucocytes | 25 | 25 |
C. Microscopic analysis:

The presence of epithelium cell and crystal in urine
The urine is the waste product of the human body that can indicate the body problem or the other type of diseases that having by the person, the medical lab technologist will be testing the urine by doing certain test to know what type of the diseases the encounter by the person, it may consist the macroscopic examination, chemical analysis also the microscopic analysis. In the experiment that have been done the two person were tested their urine to check the condition of their urine and analysis it. As we know the urine first must be examine by the macroscopic examination then the chemical afterward the microscopic examine.
The person A urine were examine macroscopically and found out that the urine smell like fruity ,color pale yellow and the turbidity of the urine were clear, this indicate the person were having the normal urine and have no problem but it were not quite sure that the person still healthy ,the chemical test were done after it, the level of the Urobilinogen 16 mg/dL this indicated the level are normal, Glucose level is high that on +++1000 mg/dL this can indicated that the person may have just eat something that contain high level of the glucose, Bilirubin +9 mg/dL normal condition, Ketone Negative, Specific gravity 1.020 normal level, Blood condition Non-hemolyse so this indicated that no abnormal obstruction of the rbc happen, pH 5 normal, no protien molecule detect so that the Protein is Negative, Nitrate Positive-normal condition, Leucocytes 25 normal condition also,this indicated that the person A may be healthy person and it kidney funtion well but the increase level of the glucose are the sign that the other system in it body may having problem.
The person B macroscopic examination show the Odor Fruity / Sweet, the urine Color is Yellow, Turbidity is Clear, The Urobilinogen 16 mg/dL normal, Glucose +100 mg/dL normal condition, Bilirubin +9 mg/dL, Ketone- Negative, Specific gravity 1.020, Blood condition Non-hemolyse ,no abnormal obstruction of blood happen , pH 6, Protein Negative-no protein molecule detect, Nitrate Positive, Leucocytes 25,this indicated the person B also the healthy person based on the urine get it.
The identification of the urinalysis in this experiment are done as it should, the examination of the microscopically and microscopically are done. the two patient that tested are normal
- Give 2 reasons that can cause urine turbidity.
- Presence of bacteria or microorganism.
- Presence of pus cell in urine.
- What is the disease that can cause the presence of Bence Jones protein in the urine?
The Kidney is damage. Caused by the presences of the protein in the urine that should not be presences.
- What is pyuria?
Presence of white blood cell in the urine
· Imerville JA, Maxted WC, Pahira JJ (2005). "Urinalysis: a comprehensive review".American Family Physician 71 (6): 1153–62. PMID 15791892
· Dettmeyer RB, Preuss J, Wollersen H, Madea B (2005). "Heroin-associated nephropathy". Expert opinion on drug safety 4 (1): 19–28. doi:10.1517/14740338.4.1.19.PMID 15709895
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