Cell suspension question from marlyina mell
1. Why need to have 5% cell suspension?
2. What is the purpose
3. Different between use whole blood and 5% cells suspension.
4. Why need to wash 3 times.?
No 1.cell suspension used for tube testing,it used for optimize and make a clear grading the cell reading based on agglutination,
With the right ratio (1 drop-red cell:serum -2 drop serum:tube method) for better reaction amd prevent zeta potential on tube method,
No 2 ,also for optimizing the result and prevent false negative and positive reading.
No3. Whole blood is not using for testing because it contain all blood by product this can lead to unclear reading and interfere the result,for example like the plalet that make fibrin making the red cell clumps to each other,that because we are on the field of red cell testing only,
The cell suspension is the suitable for use based on what method used either gel card or tube method because it suitable for use and grading the result.
The result can make False positive for whole blood because the serum inside it may affect the result if the patient having cold antibody,
for example patient that have Aiha when test the blood group mostly will lead to AB blood group because the red cell is clumping to each other in bloodgrouping.
No4. Remove cell lysed to prevent false negative,excess protien that lead to false positive,remove unbound antibody,remove wharoton jelly for baby because all this can interfere the grading